We developed an Office Mail App for Exchange 2013 which needs to read some custom properties of the currently selected mail item.
We use makeEwsRequestAsync with a GetItem request and that works without problems when the item sits in the current users mailbox.
When the user added a public folder to his Favorites, selects a message in that folder and activates our Mail App the GetItem request returns an error which contains this:
The error message is always in german, setting the mailbox language in OWA to en-us didn't change that. This is the error message:
Mit der Nebenstellennummer sollte nur auf das Act-As-Benutzerpostfach zugegriffen werden.
Something like: With the extension number you should only access the act-as-user mailbox
Any ideas how to access public folder items?
The Public Folder btw is located on Exchange 2013, the same server as the user mailbox.